“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”
Luke 19:10
My wedding ring was lost.
Let those words sink in. Now think how much trouble I was going to be in! Who loses their wedding ring and lives to tell about it?
Fortunately, I had given my wedding ring to my wife to hold. She was the person who lost it. This wasn’t MY crisis. This was OUR crisis. I was playing softball and had given my ring to my wife to hold during the game. When I went to put it back on after the game, it was gone. The pocket she had placed it in was empty. We searched the area frantically, trying to find it before darkness set in, but to no avail. The ring was gone!
The next morning, I searched and found a metal detector to rent and we headed back over to the park to search in the daylight. Kids were in school. The park was empty. We held out hope that the ring was still there. After a twenty minute search, when se saw the gleaming gold wedding band nestled down in the blades of grass, what emotions do you think we felt?
Excitement. Relief. Joy. It was a cause for celebration!
Every year, we hear stories of hikers lost in the mountains, facing the dangers of exposure to the elements or wild animals. Park rangers, police, emergency personnel and volunteers coordinate to make an all out search, knowing that if those who have been lost are not found within 24-48 hours, they could be lost for good. Every available resource is used. Helicopters. Technology. Search dogs.
Urgency is felt. Lives are at stake!
Do we have that same sense of urgency in sharing the gospel message with the spiritually lost people that come across our path each and every day?
Let’s read Jesus’ statement of purpose again.
“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”
The “Son of Man” is a Messianic title. When Jesus’ first century Jewish listeners heard this phrase, they would immediately make the connection to Daniel’s prophecy about the coming Messiah.
Read Daniel 7:13-14.
- What does this prophecy tell us about the coming Son of Man?
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“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”
Jesus was sent by the Father. He came. He took the initiative. He doesn’t wait for us to find Him. He comes to find us.
- What does the fact that Jesus came reveal to you about His heart? What does the fact that Jesus came reveal to you about your value?
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“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”
To seek speaks of an active pursuit. Jesus takes action. This action is continual. Jesus does not stop seeking. He does not give up the search. He will not give up on us. He keeps seeking until we are saved… or until we are lost forever.
- In what ways was it evident that Jesus was seeking after you before you put your faith in Him for salvation?
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“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”
Jesus came to save us, but save us from what? He came to save us from being lost forever. He came to save us from a purposeless, meaningless life. He came to save us from our separation from the Father. He came to save us from the wrath of God. He came to save us from the fires of hell.
Read Jude 1:23.
- When you read “snatch other from the fire,” what does this convey about the horrors of hell?
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“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”
- What does it feel like to be lost? What are the characteristics of the person who is lost? What are the consequences of being lost? Reflect for a moment on what it means to be lost.
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Apart From Him…
- Thank the Father that He sent His Son, and that Jesus never gave up seeking you until you were found. He never gave up on you, and He won’t give up on your lost friends, no matter how far lost they might seem to be.
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Walking as Jesus...
- Text a spiritually lost friend today who you know is facing some challenges. Tell them you’re thinking of them. Tell them you are praying for them. Ask them if there is anything you can do to help them.
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- My Personal Disciple-Making Plan:
Used with permission of Sonlife Ministries. To download the full version of the 40 Days of Disciple-Making Journal, visit: Sonlife.com.