“Come,” he replied, “and you will see.”
John 1:39
“What does the fox say? The Evolution of Dance. Charlie bit my finger. Why do we know what any of these random sentences mean? Two words. Viral Video. A friend says, “Hey, you’ve got to check this out. This is hilarious/amazing/awesome/unbelievable!” You’re curious. You can’t resist. You come and see, staring at their iPhone screen as they share the latest viral video to blitz the internet.
Think about the last time you told a friend, “Hey, you’ve got to come and see this.” What were you sharing with them? Did someone share it with you first? Did you share it with others?
In much the same way, this is how the gospel spreads to those who are spiritually curious- seekers. The Gospel, literally the Good News, is meant to be shared. Both the message and the messenger should create a curiosity among those who are spiritually lost.
John the Baptist had ignited a curiosity throughout Israel. Word of this crazed prophet who might just be the Messiah spread beyond Jerusalem 70 miles north to the Galilee region. John was quick to tell his followers that he was not the Messiah, but had been sent to prepare the way for the Messiah. And then, as Jesus came walking by, John boldly declared for all his followers to hear, “Look, the Lamb of God!” Two curious followers of John the Baptist then approached Jesus and asked, “Where are you staying?” Jesus reply was simple. “Come, and you will see.” This was more than just an invitation to a location though. It was an invitation to a relationship. These two young men went with Jesus and spent the rest of the day with Him.
One of these two curious followers was Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter.
Read John 1:40-42.
- What was Andrew’s response to the time he spent with Jesus? How do we see the Good News begin to spread virally?
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Philip was a friend of Andrew and Simon Peter, coming from the same region of Galilee. Evidently, he also learned the Good News, likely from his friends.
Read John 1:43-45.
- What was Philip’s response to the Good News about Jesus? How do we see the Good News continue to spread virally?
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Read John 4:28-30, 39.
- When Jesus shared the Good News with the Samaritan Woman, what was her response? How do we see the Good News continue to spread virally?
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In the three stories we’ve just read, what do you think made Andrew, Simon Peter, Philip, Nathaniel and the Samaritan woman curious? Why do you think they began to seek Jesus?
Before you had put your faith in Christ for forgiveness and the free gift of eternal life, what made you seek Jesus?
Read Matthew 9:35-38.
- Jesus tells his disciples the spiritual harvest is great. What makes the harvest so great? What did Jesus see when He looked at people that He believed would cause them to seek after Him?
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What do you see when you look at your spiritually lost friends? How can your life and the way you communicate the Good News create curiosity among your spiritually lost friends, increasing their desire to “come and see?
Apart From Him…
- Ask the Father to help you see your spiritually lost friends as Jesus sees them. Pray for one spiritually lost friend by name, asking the Spirit to create a curiosity within them and to give you an opportunity to invite them to “come and see."
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Walking As Jesus…
- “Be a “friend of sinners” like Jesus. Connect with a spiritually lost friend today. Maybe you can catch up over coffee, or even just text them to let them know you value their friendship.”
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- My Personal Disciple-Making Plan:
Used with permission of Sonlife Ministries. To download the full version of the 40 Days of Disciple-Making Journal, visit: Sonlife.com.