40 Days of Disciple-Making Journal

Be A Disciple Who Makes Disciples


God has done some amazing things in 40 days! Noah was instructed to build an ark to preserve the human race prior to God flooding the earth with rain for 40 days. Moses spent 40 days on Mount Sinai. The Israelite spies took 40 days to spy out Canaan. Goliath taunted King Saul’s army for 40 days before David arrived to slay him. Elijah traveled for 40 days when he fled to Mount Horeb from Jezebel. Jesus’ public ministry began with 40 days of prayer and fasting while He was tempted by Satan in the Judean wilderness. Jesus’ public ministry ended with 40 days of encouraging and commissioning His disciples from the time of His Resurrection to the Ascension. What could these next 40 days hold in store for you?
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Jesus As Our Model

Week 1 Introduction:
Our study will begin by looking at the person of Jesus. Our understanding of Him is crucial to our understanding of what it means to be and make disciples. Misconceptions about the person of Jesus can lead us down the wrong path in our disciple-making journey or leave us feeling inadequate for the challenge ahead.
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Winning The Lost // Chair 1

Week 2 Introduction:
The names we use to describe people who have yet to put their faith in Christ for salvation and eternal life can be unflattering, even offensive, especially if you’re the person who has yet to put your faith in Christ. Calling someone a heathen, pagan, reprobate or damned is no way to win friends and influence people. A little less offensive, but still not flattering are words like unchristian, non-believer and spiritually lost. Perhaps the most positive term we could use for those who have yet to put their faith in Christ is to call them a spiritual seeker. However, not all spiritually lost people would consider themselves spiritual seekers.
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Building the Believer // Chair 2

Week 3 Introduction:
When a person puts their faith in Christ, they become a child of God. They are now a spiritual infant. From a natural point of view, what do infants need us to do for them? Everything, right? An infant needs their parent to care for them. An infant can’t yet walk, getting to where they need to go. They need to be carried or pushed in a stroller. An infant can’t talk. They will need to learn to formulate words and communicate. An infant can’t feed themselves. They need to be breast fed, or bottle fed. An infant can’t clean themselves. They make messes. Dirty diapers, slobber-covered clothes and crusty noses all have to be cleaned. A good, loving parent will gladly do all of this and more for their child, but they don’t plan on doing it forever. The hope, the goal even, is to teach your child how to care for themselves so they can grow to be happy and healthy. A good parent teaches their child how to clothe themselves, clean themselves and feed themselves.
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Equipping The Worker // Chair 3

Week 4 Introduction:
For the first 18-21 months of His public ministry, Jesus’ disciples were largely spectators. They had front row seats to hear amazing teaching and see the miraculous. There had never been anyone like Jesus. They had never met anyone who spoke like Jesus. They had never met anyone who could do the things that Jesus did. The front row was an amazing place to be. I’m sure they were both thrilled and honored to be invited along for the ride. They cheered for Jesus. They worshiped Him. He was their long-awaited Messiah.
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Multiplying Disciple-Makers // Chair 4

Week 5 Introduction:
As a person moves along the disciple-making pathway from seeker to believer to worker, how do they know when they have arrived at the fourth Chair as a disciple-maker? In Luke 6:40, we see Jesus say this to His disciples. “Students are not greater than their teacher. But the student who is fully trained will become like the teacher.”
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Sticking Points And Next Steps

Used with permission of Sonlife Ministries. To download the full version of the 40 Days of Disciple-Making Journal, visit: Sonlife.com.

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Watch both sessions here.